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Normes nationales

Programme canadien d'élaboration de normes de transport ferroviaire

Why ?

Passenger Rail in Canada is currently being developed without the guidance of one set of National Standards specific to Transit needs.

The Canadian Transit Rail Standards Development Program is aimed to promote the creation of national standards to build, operate and maintain Rail/Transit Systems across Canada.

We are pleased to announce that we are building strong relationships with key stakeholders to make this need a reality.

Identified areas which need development

Our Board Director Ignacio Sanz and our Standards Committee curated a list regarding fixed assets , to focus on the development of standards which most urgently need to be addressed. We are looking for the feedback of our members.

  • Stations (instead of using building codes)

  • Structural Stations (elevated, underground, at grade)

  • NFPA equivalent but focused on Canadian market

  • Track (light rail/passenger), high speed track

  • Signalling, CBTC

  • Railway structures

  • Cable containment

  • OCS/Catenary

  • Stray current 


Our Goals

  • Engage all our members, through a series of Round Tables;

  • Prioritize the Standards which will make building, maintaining and operating transit rail safer, more sustainable, and more cost-efficient;

  • Engage subject matter experts from around the globe;

  • Produce a solid report detailing the technical considerations and useful innovations and the challenges we find when building and maintaining public transit rail, arriving at a final document of utmost safety, suitability, equality, and consideration of all stakeholders involved;

  • Partner up with an organization who can carry this document through rigorous processes to develop it into a Standard for the Canadian Industry.

Ce que nos membres peuvent faire

  • Rejoignez notre groupe de bénévoles ;

  • Offrir des commentaires via des enquêtes ;

  • Recommander des experts dans les sujets traités afin que nous les contactions ;

  • Offrez du temps aux membres de votre équipe pour contribuer à cet effort.

Train approaching to station in downtown of Toronto at sunrise


La mission de TRACCS est de stabiliser les coûts et de garantir des ressources adéquates et qualifiées pour effectuer le travail de manière sûre et efficace.

Nous visons à atteindre :

  • Normes de sécurité améliorées et cohérentes dans le domaine de la sécurité ferroviaire

  • Formation coordonnée et appropriée pour les travailleurs au sein des syndicats, des collèges et des universités

  • Plaidoyer pour une certification et des assurances appropriées pour les entreprises travaillant dans des environnements ferroviaires

  • Possibilité de partager les meilleures pratiques au sein de l'industrie

  • La mise en réseau

  • Formation continue et mises à jour technologiques du monde entier

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